The Council of Governors is composed of faithful ambassadors who have previously been on the Board of Directors, Campaign Cabinet, or the Social Development Investment Committee. As members of the council, they continue to promote Centraide of Greater Montreal’s mission and share their vision of the role and future of the organization with other leaders. 

Governors Emeritus

Governor Emeritus
Isabelle Marcoux
Co-chair of the campaign, 2023

Governor Emeritus
Paul Desmarais, Jr.
Co-chair of the campaign, 1998

Members of the Council of Governors

Louis Audet
Co-chair of the campaign, 2017

Pierre Beaudoin
Co-chair of the campaign, 2011

André Bérard
Co-chair of the campaign, 1990

Nathalie Bernier
Chair of the Board of Directors
and Co-chair of the campaign, 2016-2019

Guy Bisaillon 
Chair of the Board of Directors, 1998-2000

André Bisson 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1975

Nicole Boily 
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 1989-1991

Caroline Bougie
Chair of the Board Directors, 2022-2024

Jacques Bougie
Co-chair of the campaign, 2001

Sophie Brochu
Co-chair of the campaign, 2010

Stephen Bronfman
Co-chair of the campaign, 2018

Robert E. Brown
Co-chair of the campaign, 2000

L. David Caplan 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1995

Gretta Chambers 
Co-chair of the campaign, 2002

André Charron 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1982

Janie C. Béïque
Co-chair of the campaign, 2023

James C. Cherry
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2012-2014 and Co-chair of the campaign, 2017

Guy Cormier
Co-chair of the campaign, 2023

John E. Cleghorn 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1990

Ronald L. Corey
Co-chair of the campaign, 1987

Purdy Crawford 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1993

Alban D’Amours
Co-chair of the campaign, 2004

Jean-François de Grandpré
Chair of the Board of Directors, 1994-1996

Lili de Grandpré
PChair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 2004-2009

Claude Delâge
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 2015-2018

Maria Della Posta
Co-chair of the campaign, 2021

Jean-Guy Desjardins
Co-chair of the campaign, 2005

Paul Desmarais III
Co-chair of the campaign, 2022

Robert Doré 
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 1991-1994

Richard Drouin
Co-chair of the campaign, 1994

Robert Dumas
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2019-2022

R. Lamar Durrett
Co-chair of the campaign, 1998

W. Brian Edwards
Co-chair of the campaign, 2004

Richard B. Evans
Co-chair of the campaign, 2008

Laurent Ferreira
Co-chair of the campaign, 2022

Bergman Fleury
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 2009-2011

Michael Fortier
Co-chair of the campaign, 2020

Mitch Garber
Co-chair of the campaign, 2016

Pierre Gauthier 
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 1981-1982

Jean-Paul Gourdeau
Co-chair of the campaign, 1985

John Hallward 
Chair of the Board of Directors, 1977-1979

Catherine Hooper 
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 1996-1997

Norman Hébert, jr.
Co-chair of the campaign, 2010

Anne-Marie Hubert
Co-chair of the campaign, 2020

Yvon Jean
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 1994-1996

His Excellency the Right Honourable David L. Johnston
Co-chair of the campaign, 1996

Danielle Laberge
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2014-2016

Eric La Flèche
Co-chair of the campaign, 2015

Jacques Lamarre
Co-chair of the campaign, 2008

Marie-Josée Lamothe
Co-chair of the campaign, 2018

Roger D. Landry 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1986

Lucien Lavallière
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 1997-2004

Ronald E. Lawless 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1992

Jean-Claude Leclerc 
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 1975-1981

Claude Léger
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2008-2009

Monique F. Leroux
Co-chair of the campaign, 2014

Brian M. Levitt
Co-chair of the campaign, 2003

Elliot Lifson
Co-chair of the campaign, 2014

Andrew Lutfy
Co-chair of the campaign, 2019

John Lynch-Staunton 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1991

Isabelle Marcoux
Co-chair of the campaign, 2016

Rémi Marcoux
Co-chair of the campaign, 2006

Éric Martel
Co-chair of the campaign, 2019

Richard Massé
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 2022-2024

Richard J. McConomy 
Chair of the Board of Directors, 1992-1994

Jacques L. Ménard 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1992

Pierre Michaud
Co-chair of the campaign, 1997

Andrew Molson
Co-chair of the campaign, 2015

Pierre Monahan
Chair of the Board of Directors of Centraide of Greater Montreal Foundation, 2011-2018

Yvon Monette
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 2011-2013

Jean C. Monty
Co-chair of the campaign, 2002

David Morton 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1994

The Right Honourable Brian M. Mulroney 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1977

Heather Munroe-Blum
Co-chair of the campaign, 2011

Irene Nattel
Chair of the Board of Directors, 1996-1998

Paul Noiseux 
Chair of the Board of Directors, 1990-1992

Jeffrey R. Orr
Co-chair of the campaign, 2009

Gilles P. Ouimet
Chair of the campaign 1994 and Chair of the Board of Directors, 2000-2002

Marc Parent
Co-chair of the campaign, 2013

Jocelyn Proteau
Co-chair of the campaign, 1996

Réal Raymond
Co-chair of the campaign, 2009

Jacques Régis
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2004-2006

Richard J. Renaud
Co-chair of the campaign, 2005

Claire Richer-Leduc
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2002-2004

Michael E. Roach
Co-chair of the campaign, 2013

Lucien G. Rolland 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1984

Louis L. Roquet 
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2009-2012

Henri-Paul Rousseau
Co-chair of the campaign, 2003

Michael J. Sabia
Co-chair of the campaign, 2006

Céline Saint-Pierre
Chair of the Social Development Investment Committee, 2013-2015

Guy Saint-Pierre 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1991

Yves Sanssouci
Chair of the Board of Directors, 2006-2008

Lino A. Saputo, Jr.
Co-chair of the campaign, 2012

Claude Séguin
Chair of the Board of Directors of Centraide of Greater Montreal Foundation, 2018-2021

Charles Sirois
Co-chair of the campaign, 2000

James H. Smith
Co-chair of the campaign, 1988

Larry W. Smith
Co-chair of the campaign, 2001

Norman M. Steinberg
Co-chair of the campaign, 2007

Claude I. Taylor 
Co-chair of the campaign, 1989

Paul M. Tellier
Co-chair of the campaign, 1995

Louis Vachon
Co-chair of the campaign, 2012

Thierry Vandal
Co-chair of the campaign, 2007

Darryl White
Co-chair of the campaign, 2021

Lynton R. Wilson
Co-chair of the campaign, 1997
