The Corporation de développement communautaire de l’agglomération de Longueuil (CDC AL) has been an undeniable leader in the territory’s social development. The CDC AL brings together and supports community agencies from all sectors. It grows collaboration, defends the interests of community groups, and provides resources to let them build capacity. The CDC AL plays a key role in improving residents’ living conditions by working on social issues related to poverty and social exclusion.
For our 50th anniversary, Martin Boire, who has led the agency for over 10 years, told us what Centraide means to him.
Recognizing community expertise
Centraide of Greater Montreal has always been much more than a contributor to our mission. The organization has been a trusted partner that I have had the privilege of working with for many years. They are not a faceless organization, as I can reflect on and talk over issues with real people, such as Valérie, Denis, Catherine and Marie-Lyne.
Together, we have reinforced social development in the urban agglomeration of Longueuil. Our communities are better organized and more resilient to tackle their major challenges.
We have worked to have our community’s expertise recognized, and community agencies now contribute to all processes put in place by municipalities. We are considered equal partners. This shines a light on social issues and the needs of vulnerable populations.
Partnerships like the one between CDC AL and Centraide of Greater Montreal are key to bringing about the social and ecological transition and creating a more equitable world for all our communities.
“Together, we have reinforced social development in the urban agglomeration of Longueuil.”
– Martin Boire, Executive Director
Corporation de développement communautaire de l’agglomération de Longueuil

1 out of 5 people receives our help.
5 out of 5 people benefit from it.
Let’s all lend a hand
Supporting a network of over 375 community agencies also means promoting an inclusive, poverty-free society.